Between the Moon
Between the Moon
8. The Eight Year Venus Rose with host April McMurtry

8. The Eight Year Venus Rose with host April McMurtry

You are invited to come dance with Venus as she weaves her beauty in the sky and on earth. In this solo episode I explore the dates and themes of the eighth year rose that is completing with formation of the upcoming star point on October 22nd, 2022. As you listen you may notice the vibration of abundance and love that Venus transmits.

The orbit of Venus is rhythmic and creates a rose or a five-pointed star by returning to the same points over and over throughout our lifetimes. These points of the Venus Rose are formed each time Venus aligns with the Sun and Earth every nine months or so. The points also shift ever so slightly around the zodiac, and we are about to experience the movement from Scorpio into Libra and what this could bring up.

The Venus cycle plays a significant role in timekeeping for many cultures around the globe. Her dual nature from morning star to evening star and back again has been predicted and written about by Mayan astronomers as well as on ancient cuneiform tablets of Babylonia dating back to the first millennium BCE. Venus and the Moon also interweave their cycles together and offer context for practicing self-study in relationship with cycles.

Mentions in this episode:

Venus Star Rising by Arielle Guttman

The eight year lunar cycle is called an Octaeteris in Greek.

Your natal moon phase tutorial on the blog: Natal Moon Phase

Join me and Susan Lipshutz, LCSW this Saturday Oct 22nd for an online gathering workshop called Venus Gateway: Anchoring the Jewel of Your Heart

If you are interested in learning ore about personalizing the Venus cycle, check out the upcoming course Know Your Venus

Thank you for listening!

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Between the Moon
Between the Moon
Welcome to Between the Moon, conversations about self-study in relationship with cycles. Join host April McMurtry on a journey to attune with lunar time and live in more harmony with life's cyclical nature. Visit to learn more.