Between the Moon
Between the Moon
1. Why the Moon? intro episode with April

1. Why the Moon? intro episode with April

The origin of the name Between the Moon comes from the latin word Interlunium inter- meaning ("between”, “among") + lūna ("the Moon"); a period of darkness during the time of the new moon. This relates to the pause between the old and new when the moon is invisible - hidden in plain sight.

Between the Moon opens the space for what is no longer and what is not yet. This liminal space of in-between and how we navigate the unknown through self-study in relationship with cycles. 

The moon is an amazing guide for how to value rest as integral to life. The moon is not always full and visible, but practices regular retreat. For me this became the lesson of: You don't have to wait to get sick to slow down.

This podcast is my effort to create a container for the unfolding of a renewed relationship with our cyclical nature as beings on this beautiful life-sustaining planet, and to repair this relationship within ourselves.

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Between the Moon
Between the Moon
Welcome to Between the Moon, conversations about self-study in relationship with cycles. Join host April McMurtry on a journey to attune with lunar time and live in more harmony with life's cyclical nature. Visit to learn more.